Morbi et tellus imperdiet, aliquam nulla sed, dapibus erat. Aenean dapibus sem non purus venenatis vulputate. Donec accumsan eleifend blandit. Nullam auctor ligula
TAMIN has got substantial quarrying rights of granite in Tamil Nadu. The granite deposits are rich in black and colour varieties and are among the best in the World. TAMIN’s pride and buyers’ choices are Jet Black, Colombo Jubrana, Paradiso and Redwave dimensional blocks. Paradiso material (introduced by TAMIN), is unique in colour and pattern and is exported in large quantity to European and USA markets. Apart from this, TAMIN has other colour material like Hawks Eye, Dekotta, Black Wonder, Fox Brown, Black Forest, which are widely welcomed by International and Local Buyers.
No. 31, Kamarajar Salai, Chepauk, Chennai - 600 005, Tamil Nadu, India.